Group member of RDA Registered Charity No. 1141360 (Please note our charity used to be known as Abingdon Group RDA with charity number 1074161, this charity ceased to exist in 2014 when it was replaced with the current incorporated form of RDA Abingdon Ltd (with the charity number 1141360). (A Group Member of the Riding for the Disabled Association incorporating Carriage Driving, Registered Company No 5010395, Registered Charity No, 244108)
Registered Charity No. 1141360 (Please note our charity used to be known as Abingdon Group RDA with charity number 1074161, this charity ceased to exist in 2014 when it was replaced with the current incorporated form of RDA Abingdon Ltd (with the charity number 1141360). (A Group Member of the Riding for the Disabled Association incorporating Carriage Driving, Registered Company No 5010395, Registered Charity No, 244108) 
Abingdon RDA twinned with Kenya RDA Join our Facebook group Join our Facebook group
 INDOOR ARENA HIRE Limited dates and times available. 65 x 22m Indoor Arena with lighting! - Andrew Bowens Surface - Arena Mirrors - Dressage boards available - Poles, jump blocks, cones and one set of wings available - Seating - Mounting block - Sound system available on prior arrangement £30 per hour for one horse - £40 for a group (maximum group of 4). Based near Southmoor, OX13 5HW (address details under Contact tab).  For Arena Hire  inquiries By hiring our arena and entering the grounds, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions. MyRidngLife  (on-line booking not in action at this present time).
Abingdon RDA Arena Group member of RDA
Registered Charity No. 1141360  (A Group Member of the Riding for the Disabled Association incorporating Carriage Driving,  Registered Company No 5010395, Registered Charity No, 244108)
© Abingdon RDA 2024
Please donate and leave a message Join our Facebook group Join our Facebook group
 INDOOR ARENA HIRE Limited times and dates available. 65 x 22m Indoor Arena with lighting, built last year! - Andrew Bowens Surface - Arena Mirrors - Dressage boards available - Poles, jump blocks, cones and one set of wings available - Seating - Mounting block - Sound system available on prior arrangement £30 per hour for one horse - £40 for a group (maximum group of 4). Based near Southmoor, OX13 5HW (address details under Contact tab). For Arena Hire  inquiries  By hiring our arena and entering the grounds, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions. My Riding Life ( on-line booking not in action at this present time).